Thursday, May 12, 2011

Palpable neighbourly love

This is a memory from last summer. I clearly remember the girls upstairs were moving out of their apartment, so they started doing strange things before they left. One of them was me finding their legs swinging from their balcony. In this picture I am pretending to tickle their feet, however, it is not for real because my balcony door was jammed and I could not open it. Credit for this picture is given to Professor Ebtisam Mursi.


Saturday, May 7, 2011

"Intelligence is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in the fruit salad"

Tepuyes - Venezuelan mounts

Algunas de las formaciones montañosas más antiguas del mundo, llamadas tepuyes (singular: tepuy), localizados en la zona sur de Venezuela.

These are some of the most ancient mountain formations in the world. They are called Tepuyes (singular: tepuy) and they are located in the Southernmost part of Venezuela.